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GW Honors Veterans Day

GW observed Veterans Day with a series of activities, including addresses by First Lady Michelle Obama and Jill Biden, wife of Vice President Joe Biden, who spoke at an event sponsored by Service...

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GW Solicits Student Opinions

The 4,062 students who responded to a spring 2009 online survey offered the University feedback on a variety of programs and services.

Amongst the best rated programs were Gelman Library’s...

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Strengthening International Alliances

“The world is watching, and for GW to stake an interest in Asia at this time is critically important,” said Zeb Eckert, B.A. ’03, a Hong Kong-based reporter for Bloomberg Television. George...

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Introducing Candace Smith

Candace Smith, an award-winning communicator with 20 years of experience in broadcast, print and crisis messaging, is GW’s new executive director of media relations. Ms. Smith comes to GW from the...

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Helping Those in Need

The University will observe National Hunger and Homelessness Awareness Week with a series of events designed to educate the campus community, promote community service, and shed light on the...

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Student Voices Round out Innovation Task Force

Six GW students have been named to the University’s new innovation task force launched by President Steven Knapp earlier this fall.

The innovation task force is composed of a steering...

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Honoring Service Excellence

Individual contributions, University-wide collaborations and program achievements were recognized at the 2009 Service Excellence awards ceremony in the Marvin Center Grand Ballroom Nov. 5.


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Al Gore Calls for Environmental Solutions

In a Nov. 5 speech at GW, former Vice President Al Gore discussed a range of potential solutions to the climate crisis as outlined in his new book Our Choice: A Plan to Solve the Climate Crisis....

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Sen. Mark Warner, B.A. ’77, Has Game

GW alumnus Sen. Mark Warner (D-Va.) played tough defense and scored a few baskets at a set of annual pickup basketball games on GW’s campus Nov. 25.  Sen. Warner was joined by approximately...

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Sustainability on the Rise at GW

By Menachem Wecker

One of the key lessons GW taught Benjamin Balter, B.A. ’09, was the value of sustainability.

“As a student at GW, I learned the importance of recycling,” says...