
Browse past GW Today articles in our archives.

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Revving the Pistons’ Engine

By Menachem Wecker

John Kuester eagerly anticipates his new job coaching the Detroit Pistons, which he says promises to be a high-energy and exciting team next season, but the former...

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Sen. Mark Warner, B.A. ’77, Has Game

GW alumnus Sen. Mark Warner (D-Va.) played tough defense and scored a few baskets at a set of annual pickup basketball games on GW’s campus Nov. 25.  Sen. Warner was joined by approximately...

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Breaking Records

A high school and college basketball star, Megan Hogan only started running cross country two years ago at the suggestion of a friend. She won her first three races handily, quit basketball and...

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A Great Time to Be at GW

The happenings of this academic year, now only in its ninth week, should remind us all of why it is a great time to be at GW. The dynamic speakers and other events that fill our campus venues, the...

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Remembering the Berlin Wall

This November marks the 20th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall -- the 12-foot-high and more than 100-mile-long wall that literally and figuratively divided the democratic West from the...

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A Dramatic Dystopia

By Jaime Gacek

If you wonder what the future may bring, picture this: A man-made pandemic, gene-spliced animals that grow human hair, and an eco-conscious religious group that considers Al...

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In Memoriam: Estelle Gelman

GW Trustee Emerita and benefactor Estelle Gelman died on Oct. 23 at the age of 83. She lived in Palm Beach, Fla., and Washington, D.C.

In 1980, Mrs. Gelman established an endowment in the...

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SEAS Celebrates 125 Years with Gala

By Jamie L. Freedman

More than 400 celebrants gathered in Washington’s magnificent Andrew W. Mellon Auditorium Oct. 29 for the SEAS 125th Anniversary Gala. The festive dinner, hosted by Dean...

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GW Recognized as Top 10 Producer of Fulbright Students

The George Washington University—which has recently received high marks as a top 25 “best neighbor” university and for its efforts in sustainability—can add the number of Fulbright Scholars to its...

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Supporting Student Veterans

By Menachem Wecker

After enduring danger on the battlefield, many veterans find another perilous road facing them when they return home: acclimating to civilian life, particularly on...