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Reinventing the Tools of Politics

By Menachem Wecker

On Saturdays when his friends at large state schools were cheering on their football teams, Brian Donahue, B.A. ’99,...

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Offsetting Radicalism with Philosophy

By Menachem Wecker

Reading the Muslim philosophers of the Golden Age, roughly the eighth to 13th centuries C.E., can help both Muslims and non-Muslims see beyond the stereotypes of Islam as...

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GW Alumna Prepares for Foreign Service on Fulbright

By Julia Parmley

When she was a junior in high school, Thao-Anh Tran, B.A. ’09, traveled to Beijing through a cultural exchange program funded by the U.S. State Department. Though Ms. Tran...

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Meeting the Challenge

By Jennifer Price

The George Washington University has completed 100,000 hours of community service, securing first lady Michelle Obama as its Commencement speaker.


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President Knapp Announces Members of Council on Diversity and Inclusion

George Washington University President Steven Knapp has announced the 16 members of the President’s Council on Diversity and Inclusion, a key component of an initiative  ...

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GWorld 2.0

For the first time in more than 10 years, GW is undergoing a major upgrade of its GWorld system.

After several months of testing, the new GWorld cards, which feature a variety of...

GW Monogram

Transforming the Charles E. Smith Center

The third phase of the Charles E. Smith Center renovation will begin this month and will dramatically transform the exterior of the building.

The majority of the building’s exterior will...

GW Monogram

Students Count Too

The U.S. Census Bureau is urging students to be counted on campus as part of Census 2010. GW students who spend most of the year as residents of the District but do not submit D.C. census forms...

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Promoting Public Service

On April 26, Amy B. Cohen will join George Washington as executive director of the Center for Civic Engagement and Public Service. The center, announced last October by President Steven Knapp,...

GW Monogram

Fueling Innovation

With higher standards for fuel economy looming just down the road, GW’s National Crash Analysis Center has been awarded a grant to develop computer models that will help test the safety of light-...