
Browse past GW Today articles in our archives.

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Canine Profiling

By Menachem Wecker

Joan Schaffner has always loved animals but didn’t become a full-blown animal advocate until fall 2003 when she co-founded the Animal Welfare Project at GW Law School...

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Understanding Health Care Reform

The new national health care bill just signed into law by President Barack Obama marks a major overhaul of the nation’s health care system. GW Professor of Health Policy...

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Transitions Announced for Two GW Safety and Security Leaders

The George Washington University today made two announcements related to its safety and security team. Daniel J. Kaniewski, deputy director of The George Washington University Homeland Security...

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Art as Anthropology

By Menachem Wecker

Although it is not an exhibit sponsor, Amtrak deserves some of the credit for the Nancy Graves show currently at GW’s...

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Transitioning to Success

D.C. special education students explore post-secondary options, gain work experience through partnership with GW.

By Jamie L. Freedman

High school juniors with learning...

GW Monogram

Training Tomorrow’s Teachers

By Jamie L. Freedman

GW’s Graduate School of Education and Human Development underscored its commitment to increasing the nation’s pool of qualified teachers at an event at Washington’s...

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Advocating for Her Country

By Julia Parmley

In her work as co-founder of Movimiento Libertario, an organization devoted to influencing public opinion and engaging youth in public affairs, and as chief of staff for...

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Learning Lessons in China

By Menachem Wecker

Given the state of the economy, GW School of Business student Ethan Elser, B.A. ’10, thought he was lucky to have a choice between two summer job offers. But that was...

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An Earth Day Commitment: Join the GW Sustainability Journey

Today marks the 40th anniversary of Earth Day, which represents just one opportunity to celebrate our commitment to the planet that serves as our home and our life source. Yet, it is also an...

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Former Senators Warn of Biological Weapon Attack

By Rachel Muir

The United States today is more vulnerable to an attack by weapons of mass destruction than it was on Sept. 11, 2001—and that attack is more likely to come in the form of a...