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Out of the Archives

Feb. 22 marks the 150th anniversary of the George Washington statue in Washington Circle.

The equestrian statue of George Washington in Foggy Bottom’s...

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Library 2.0

By Menachem Wecker

The KABIS III automatic book digitizer looks like it could launch something back to the future if it hit 88 mph on the speedometer. But however unusual the unit appears...

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Safe Sex in the City

By day Julie Ost, M.P.H. ’09, is the executive coordinator for the GW Cancer Institute. But at least one night a month she volunteers to work an overnight shift for local nonprofit HIPS, venturing...

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Engineering Discovery

By Rachel Muir

Research in Michael Plesniak’s department encompasses everything from creating mechanical vocalization that advances the treatment of voice disorders to examining how to...

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Telling Immigrants’ Stories

By Menachem Wecker

Steven Roberts had been searching for a while for the perfect title for his new book about immigrant families when he was doing live commentary on the inaugural address...

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From ‘Reality TV’ to Real Films

By Menachem Wecker

Jonathan Neil Schneider is not the sort of person to let life pass him by. When the Long Island native realized there was no comprehensive guide to parking in Manhattan...

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GW Sign Bridges the Years

By Menachem Wecker

Any GW students who have spent time on the Georgetown Waterfront and looked southeast toward the Kennedy Center can be proud of the ‘tag’ painted on the Theodore...

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Gas Chambers and the Metro

By Menachem Wecker

Although Washingtonians often love to hate the Metro, they do not compare it with the cattle cars the Nazis used to transport the disabled to euthanasia clinics. Neither...

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GW Launches Innovation, Research Leadership Plan

The George Washington University will significantly increase its investment in learning and research under a plan recently announced by President Steven Knapp. The president’s innovation...

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Celebrating Diverse Faiths

By Menachem Wecker

“Patience,” observed the 13th-century Persian poet Rumi, “expands your capacity to love and to feel peace.”

It’s easy to find great quotes about peace from Rumi...