
Browse past GW Today articles in our archives.

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Managing the Government’s Wallet

Three GW Law professors testified before the U.S. Senate on flexible purchasing arrangements and government contract regulations Feb. 25.

Steven Schooner, associate professor of law and co...

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In Memoriam: Robert M. Dunn Jr.

 Robert M. Dunn Jr., professor emeritus of economics, died on Feb. 18. Dr. Dunn retired from GW in 2009 after more than 40 years on the university’s economics faculty. At GW, he taught...

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Covering the National Beat from Germany

By Julia Parmley

Journalists are used to tight deadlines and tracking down stories, but for Clayton McCleskey, B.A.’09, it’s a little more complicated than that. Mr. McCleskey is...

GW Monogram

The GW Corps

By Menachem Wecker

Stephen Andrew Wood, B.A. ’06, was ready for “a change of pace” after living in Washington for five years, so he joined the Peace Corps. From 2007 to 2009, Mr. Wood...

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Shakespeare Simplified

By Menachem Wecker

As Shakespeare in the Park aficionados can attest, many contemporary adaptations set the Bard’s plays in modern times -- a visual move which, when it works, illustrates...

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Where the Punishment Fits the Crime

By Rachel Muir

See John Dillinger’s getaway car, Jesse James’ notebook and J. Edgar Hoover’s badge; try your hand at an FBI shooting range or escaping from prison; or attempt to solve a...

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The Arab World’s Jewish Ambassador

By Menachem Wecker

The Jewish population of Bahrain -- a country of a million people -- numbers 36. One of those three dozen is the ambassador to the United States.


GW Monogram

An Evolutionary Discovery

Approximately 85 million years ago, a family of bird-like dinosaurs with large claws and short, powerful forearms named Alvarezsauroidea roamed the earth. But after a decade of research,...

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In Memoriam: Chrystel Cancel

Chrystel Cancel, M.T.A. ’06, was killed during the earthquake that devastated Haiti on Jan. 12. Ms. Cancel was in Haiti working on a USAID project assessing tourism product development...

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Celebrating Heritage

Lectures, performances and more mark George Washington University’s 2010 Black Heritage Celebration Jan. 31-Feb. 28. With the theme “The New Negro,” this year’s celebration focuses on the era...