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Supreme Court Selection

Earlier this week, President Barack Obama nominated Solicitor General Elena Kagan as the 112th justice of the Supreme Court. If confirmed by the Senate, Ms. Kagan will be the fourth woman in...

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GW Commencement

GW’s Commencement Weekend spanned five days from May 12 to 16 and comprised of more than 20 events, including Monumental Celebration, a gala at Union Station; the traditional Interfaith...

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Life After GW

With Commencement only a week away, the question of what’s next is on the mind of many soon-to-be graduates. Executive Director of the GW Career Center...

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Alumnus Wins $266 Million

By Menachem Wecker

On May 4, Jacki Cisneros woke her husband Gilbert, B.A. ’94, up and asked him if he had bought a lottery ticket at the L & L Hawaiian BBQ where he had eaten dinner...

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A Heartfelt Memoir

By Menachem Wecker

Former First Lady Laura Bush’s first foray into politics was a decided failure. After moving to Washington in the summer of 1969 with a friend from Southern Methodist...

GW Monogram

Colonial Caricatures

By day, Donald R. Lehman serves as executive vice president for academic affairs. By night, he bowls—or at least his caricature does.

On May 7, Dr. Lehman was inducted into GW’s Wall of...

GW Monogram

A Green Good-Bye

By Menachem Wecker

The George Washington University is well worth its weight in conservation. In Green Move Out 2010, the most successful one to date, GW collected 79,994 pounds of...

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An Earth Day Commitment: Join the GW Sustainability Journey

Today marks the 40th anniversary of Earth Day, which represents just one opportunity to celebrate our commitment to the planet that serves as our home and our life source. Yet, it is also an...

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Former Senators Warn of Biological Weapon Attack

By Rachel Muir

The United States today is more vulnerable to an attack by weapons of mass destruction than it was on Sept. 11, 2001—and that attack is more likely to come in the form of a...

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Learning Lessons in China

By Menachem Wecker

Given the state of the economy, GW School of Business student Ethan Elser, B.A. ’10, thought he was lucky to have a choice between two summer job offers. But that was...