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GW’s Newest Ambassadors

Each George Washington senior who receives a Presidential Administrative Fellowship (PAF) gets free tuition, a housing allowance and monthly compensation....

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A Capitol Commencement

With the United States Capitol in the background, more than 25,000 graduates, friends and families celebrated the university’s...

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Honoring the Best and the Brightest

More than 200 GW students were inducted into the nation’s oldest academic honor society Friday at a ceremony in Lisner Auditorium.

Phi Beta Kappa was founded in 1776 at the College of...

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New Building to House School of Public Health and Health Services

The George Washington University announced today that it plans to break ground in 2012 on a new building for the School of Public Health and Health Services at Pennsylvania Avenue and 24th Street...

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Revenge of the Women’s Studies Professor

In 1995, President Bill Clinton brought his daughter Chelsea to GW for a night of basketball.

The men’s team played first. After they clinched a victory, President Clinton stood up to...

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A Passion for Politics

By Rachel Muir

For John Sides, there’s no such thing as politics as usual.

The field is constantly evolving and its reach is pervasive. “Politics touches everyone’s life, and...

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GW Announces Nursing School

The Board of Trustees today approved a plan to create a stand-alone school of nursing at GW, which senior administrators are calling both a logical extension of the Department of Nursing Education...

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Two Must-See Shows at the National Gallery

By Menachem Wecker

The Indian miniaturist Siona Benjamin once explained to me that the beauty and detail of her paintings’ borders provide her with a...

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From the White House to GW

For nearly a century, The George Washington University has been a neighbor to the White House. Now, GW is about to get presidential-grade security.

Darrell Darnell, GW’s newly appointed...

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A Racing Tradition

By Menachem Wecker

Hugo Scheckter wants to dispel any misconceptions that auto racing is a boring sport that just involves cars going around in circles – or ovals.

In races, he...