Students at the George Washington University are gearing up for fall—even as the temperatures remained far above normal this week, coming close setting a record high on Wednesday.
GW Today asked students on campus what they are most looking forward to in autumn. Take a look at their responses:

Alphonso Bonds (l) and Kwame Bonsu, both seniors studying civil engineering. 'The vibes are more calm and cozy; people are more calm than they are in the summer,' Mr. Bonds said.

Omnia Abdalla, a sophomore studying international affairs with a concentration in Arabic studies: 'It's aesthetically pleasing. Campus looks pretty when the leaves are red and yellow.'

Joseph Gurr (l), a junior studying communications, and Dom Reynoso, a senior studying English. 'It's the most pleasant time of year to enjoy all that our beautiful city has to offer,' Mr. Gurr said.

Trinity Bell, a junior studying cognitive neuro-science: 'I like switching up the fashion from summer to fall.'

Marianne Khattar, a senior double majoring in music and communications: 'This is big Taurus energy! I like to be indoors and cozy when it's cold.'

Nick Karlson, a first-year student studying mechanical engineering: 'I like to be comfortable and 90-degree, humid weather is not it.'

Nissi Thapa (l), a first-year graduate student studying communications management: 'This is the transition between summer and winter. I'm an outdoors person so I like to see the change.' Margaret Adetimehin, a first-year graduate student studying communications management: 'I like taking photos. [Bare trees] just give a vintage feeling.'

From left to right: Max Kostyashkin, a junior studying civil engineering; Matthew Silver, a junior studying business administration with a concentration in real estate; and Daniel Chafetz, a junior studying accounting. 'I've had three [midterms] in the past two weeks and the fourth is later this week. I'm ready to be done,' Mr. Chafetz said.

Michael Kohler, a sophomore studying political communication: 'There's a coffee shop in my hometown that sells warm apple chai-der (chai and apple cider), and it's my favorite warm drink of them all.'