George Washington University alumni, students, staff and parents interviewed prospective GW freshmen in cities around the country and the world—from Philadelphia to Shenzhen, China—during Interview Weekend Days this fall.
While an interview is not required for admission to GW, it is “one more tool” the undergraduate admissions staff uses to gain a more holistic view of an applicant, said Associate Director of Admissions Rahsaan Burroughs.
“It’s an opportunity for us to learn more about an applicant who may not have the chance to visit campus,” Dr. Burroughs said.
The international team from GW’s Office of Admissions traveled to 10 countries outside of the United States in October, interviewing just under 100 international students. Volunteers from the Admissions Alumni and Parent Program as well as GW seniors helped interview students in cities from coast to coast in the U.S. The admissions staff also offered 200 interviews via Skype this semester, a practice that began last year.
“It helps increase access,” Dr. Burroughs said.
In addition to the more than 1,000 high school students who were interviewed during Interview Weekends, 550 were interviewed off campus at individual appointments and 700 interviews were conducted on campus this fall.
Here is a look at this semester’s round of admissions interviews by the numbers: