Content Review Guidelines for GW Today

Guidelines apply to faculty, staff, students and alumni.

Reviewers should be the leader of the sponsoring unit (school/center/institute/division) or that person’s communications lead. In the case of profiles, the subject profiled is the reviewer.

In most cases, reviewer(s) will have at least 24 hours to reply to review requests. Because we build emails at close of business the day before the email newsletter will be distributed, we cannot include stories that are under review and miss the deadline.

For event stories, reviews will be requested under only a few circumstances; in no cases will we alter direct quotes said in a public setting.

Reviewers should focus on factual content: did we err in some factual content such as a title or provide information out of context.

GW Today style rules are based on the Associated Press Stylebook with additional guidelines based upon the Office of Communications and Marketing Style Guide. For example, no need to add courtesy titles (Ms. Mr. Dr. to full names or subsequent references to the last name). GW Today does NOT use serial commas.