Eddie Micheletti '24

Eddie Micheletti, a first-year student planning to study finance in the School of Business, is vlogging from the Foggy Bottom campus.



[video:https://vimeo.com/481415277/01ba475ac5 width:560 height:315 align:center lightbox_title:Dining at GW]

Where to Eat

Remembering to stay hydrated and eating well are all parts of self-care. Eddie shares where and how he gets food on campus amid the pandemic.

[video:https://vimeo.com/473037229/dd2fc414fb width:560 height:315 align:center lightbox_title:Meet Eddie]

Meet Eddie

Eddie Micheletti, a first-year student planning to study finance in the School of Business, is vlogging from the Foggy Bottom campus.