New Protection of Minors Policy Enters First Summer

Guidelines and procedures to promote the protection of minors on campus and participating in GW-sponsored activities.

May 27, 2014

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The George Washington University will host many groups and organizations on campus this summer, and a new policy entering its first summer session addresses the protection and safety of minors and establishes procedures for reporting known or suspected abuse or neglect of minors.

The Protection of Minors Policy, published last September after the release of the Freeh report on Penn State and a task force review of GW’s culture, policies and practices, provides guidelines to maintain a safe and positive environment for children, as well as procedures to follow for reporting known or suspected abuse or neglect of minors. GW Today sat down with Darrell Darnell, senior associate vice president for safety and security, to discuss the policy and best practices for campus safety.

Q: Is this a new policy?

A: The university is committed to the safety of all members of its community, including children. This is a new policy. It formalizes in a single place the university’s commitment to the protection of minors plus policies and practices focused on the protection of minors followed over the years by individual departments within GW. The university expects members of the community who interact with minors to be diligent in protecting their safety and to report suspected abuse or neglect. We want to make sure that everyone who interacts with or comes into contact with minors understands their roles and responsibilities.

Q: The Protection of Minors Policy provides guidelines and procedures. What are a few best practices adults and children can follow?

A: I believe the number one thing to do is to report unusual or abnormal behavior to the proper authorities so that it can be investigated. I think most adults, and children, have a fairly good sense of normal or abnormal behavior, and so they should follow their instincts and report anything that appears to be out of the norm.

Q: The policy calls on members of the university community to act on knowledge of abuse or neglect of a minor. What action should they take in these situations?

A: They should follow the procedures in the policy and report any suspected abuse. This can be done by calling the TIPS Line at 202-994-TIPS (8477), which can be anonymous.  In an emergency, call the GW Police Department at 202-994-6111.

Q: General safety on campus complements a policy like this. What safety measures does the university take to provide a secure environment?

A: We provide a range of safety measures, including officers who patrol the campus and make regular patrols of buildings. We implement access control to certain residence halls and academic buildings. We also have a Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) system used to monitor public spaces. More information on GW safety and security practices can be found on the safety and security website at

Q: Why is it especially important to be aware of the Protection of Minors Policy in the summer? Are there specific safety steps taken during summer session?

A: Many outside groups and organizations use campus facilities and residence halls during the summer. They are required to register with the university housing office or other appropriate offices. They also receive an orientation on university policies and procedures and are expected to adhere to them similar to other members of the university community who are using those facilities. The orientation helps them understand what their responsibilities are in terms of maintaining facilities—basically being good tenants. The rest of the program outlines general safety and security policies, and rules and regulations on campus.

Q: How can members of the university community learn more about the role they play in this policy?

A: They can learn more simply by reading and reviewing the policy which can be found at or they can go to the safety and security website which also provides information on the policy.