The School of Business has named two new vice deans: Murat Tarimcilar (programs and education) and Sok-Hyon Kang (faculty and research).
Both promotions are internal. Dr. Tarimcilar, currently associate dean for graduate programs, has been a professor of decision sciences at GW since 1999. In his new role, Dr. Tarimcilar will oversee the school’s education mission.
Dr. Tarimcilar’s areas of expertise include multicriteria decision models, applications of operations research methods in different business settings, and production rate optimization.
“Murat Tarimcilar has the entrepreneurial spirit and passion necessary to drive our educational mission and develop cutting-edge programs that provide students with exceptional leadership skills, real-world experiences and rigorous classroom learning,” says Doug Guthrie, dean of the school.
Dr. Kang, professor of accountancy, will oversee faculty development, research and doctoral programs and coordinate the various centers, institutes and programs within the school.
An expert in financial analysis and financial reporting, Dr. Kang’s areas of research include financial reporting, earnings management, executive compensation and security markets.
“Sok-Hyon Kang’s reputation among faculty and students make him an excellent steward of the school’s vision and its standards of excellence for research, faculty and doctoral programs,” says Dr. Guthrie.