GSEHD Faculty and Alumna Organized International Inclusive Education Symposium in Ghana

The event encouraged participants to discuss best practices and strategies for inclusive education.

May 29, 2024

The inaugural International Inclusive Education Symposium

The inaugural International Inclusive Education Symposium brought together 50 educators in Navrongo, Ghana.

Two GSEHD faculty members and an alumna organized the inaugural International Inclusive Education Symposium (IIES). Doran Gresham, an assistant professor for special education and disability studies, and Laura Engel, a professor of international education and international affairs, collaborated with GSEHD alumna Elaine Walton, M.A.’24, on the project. 

The workshop brought together 50 educators in Navrongo, Ghana, for a lively and interactive discussion. The virtual symposium encouraged participants to reflect on the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats in their academic environments. The cohort explored best practices for students with exceptionalities and strategies to enhance collective teacher efficacy.