As part of National Cyber Security Awareness Month (NCSAM), the George Washington University’s Division of IT will host a series of events this month to educate the GW community on the importance of cybersecurity.
Several workshops, lectures and activities will be held throughout campus, including an information session for students interested in cybersecurity, demos to test the strength of passwords and devices and an expo to learn about IT service offerings at the university.
“Higher education institutions are tempting targets for cyber crime,” the Division of IT’s Chief Information Officer Loretta Early said. “From research data to student data to intellectual property data, we all play a role in protecting this data to ensure security, privacy and compliance with laws and regulations. The security of university systems and data relies on actions taken by the entire community to protect the data.”
NCSAM is a national campaign to raise awareness about the importance of cybersecurity each year. According to the Department of Homeland Security, the month’s events are designed to engage and educate the public and private sector about the importance of cybersecurity and provide tools and resources needed to stay safe online.
“This is a time to raise awareness of the cyber risks we face every day and learn how to better protect our information, devices and ourselves,” Ms. Early said. “These events are intended to educate the GW community on our shared responsibility in information security.”
Below are some of the highlights of NCSAM:
Spot the Phish! Enter the NCSAM Phishing Contest
Oct. 1 to Oct. 31
Each week during the month of October, the Division of IT will post a sample phishing message on its Twitter and Instagram accounts (@GWDivIT). Each message will include three clues that identify the message as a phishing attempt. For each correctly identified clue sent to [email protected], one point will be awarded. Each individual can receive up to three points per week. Scores will be tallied at the end of the month, and winners can win a Roku Media Player or an Apple Watch.
Oct. 6 at 10 a.m. Password Hack Demo
District House, Lower Level
2121 H St., NW
Test your skills or witness how hackers can access your information at this demo. Test the strength of your password and talk with IT security experts to learn how you can be more secure.
Oct. 10 at 11 a.m. A Day in the Life of a Cybersecurity Professional
Gelman Library, Room 702
2130 H St., NW
Interested in a career in cybersecurity? Attend this information session to hear from a cybersecurity professional from Mandiant. Learn about a day in the life in the cybersecurity world and stay after the program for a Q & A session.
Oct. 12 at 10 a.m. Test Your IT Security Knowledge
District House, Lower Level
2121 H St., NW
Join the Division of IT in District House and test your IT security knowledge. Learn about IT security resources, how to stay safe online and how to protect your identity. Giveaways will be available for those who can answer IT security quiz questions correctly.
Oct. 18 at 10 a.m. Is Your Device Secure? Vulnerability Testing from IT Team
10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
District House, Lower Level
2121 H St., NW
Visit us in District House for a free vulnerability test on your device. We'll let you know the steps you can take to make your device more secure.
Oct. 31 at 11 a.m. 2017 techEXPO
Mid-Campus Quad
H Street between 21st and 22nd streets
Attend the 2017 techEXPO to learn about cybersecurity information and how you can protect your information from your residence hall room, classroom or office space. In addition, learn about other IT service offerings at the university, including free anti-virus protection. Free food and giveaways will be available for all attendees. Plus, enter to win a Roku or Apple Watch!
Division of IT Leads National Cyber Security Awareness Month Events
Activities throughout campus will offer tools and resources to stay safe online.
October 1, 2017