
Browse past GW Today articles in our archives.

Kevin Mahala

Covering the Bases with GW Alumnus Kevin Mahala

The former Revolutionaries shortstop and finance grad is the minor league hitting coordinator for the New York Mets.

Student volunteers sorting through donated goods for reuse.

Green Move-Out Continues to Benefit GW Students and Community

Green Move-Out cuts down on waste during student move out while benefiting community organizations.

Sean Watley

GW Staff Member Received Excellence Award

Sean Watley works to help first-generation students find useful resources and succeed while at GW.

Melissa Mogollon, B.A.’16, authored her debut novel, “Oye.”

GW Alumna Authored Debut Novel

Melissa Mogollon’s book is a coming-of-age comedy.

The inaugural International Inclusive Education Symposium

GSEHD Faculty and Alumna Organized International Inclusive Education Symposium in Ghana

The event encouraged participants to discuss best practices and strategies for inclusive education.


SMHS Dean Recognized for Her Leadership

Dean Barbara Lee Bass was honored for exceptional leadership at the Washington Women of Excellence Awards.

Andrews Nyantakyi demonstrates CPR on a mannequin at a training session organized by his nonprofit Elijeko Foundation. (Courtesy Elijeko Foundation)

In Ghana, Nursing Alumnus’ Organization Saves Lives One Bystander at a Time

Andrews Nyantakyi, A.B.S.N. ’22, is founder and executive director of the healthcare nonprofit Elijeko Foundation.

Portrait of Thomas J. LeBlanc by Peter Waddell.

President Emeritus Thomas J. LeBlanc Portrait Shows ‘A Man of His Time’

LeBlanc returned to GW for the unveiling of this work by artist Peter Waddell, depicting the former president during the revitalization of Thurston Hall.

Catherine Grizzle

GW Alumna Serves as Military Mentor for U.S. Senate Youth Program

Capt. Catherine Grizzle was one of 17 officers selected to join the program’s Washington Week 2024.

Tanya Vogel

Athletics Director Tanya Vogel to Depart GW

A GW Hall of Fame member, former head coach and triple alumna, Vogel will leave a lasting impact on athletics, university communities.