The university’s summer long dependent eligibility verification project ended, and more than 95 percent of dependents enrolled in a George Washington University health plan have had their eligibility confirmed.
“We sincerely appreciate everyone’s participation in the verification process,” said Sabrina Ellis, vice president for human resources. “While the process may have been inconvenient for most of us, reviews such as this are important over the long-term to ensure the plans are administered correctly.”
The outcome of the verification process resulted in about 4 percent of dependents previously enrolled in a GW health plan either voluntarily dropped or removed from coverage for failing to meet the health plan eligibility criteria.
“Dependent verifications, typically conducted every five to seven years are a standard way of periodically reviewing the plans as part of our fiduciary responsibilities as a plan sponsor,” said John Kosky, associate vice president for human resources talent management. “As a result of the project, GW can expect to save approximately $700,000 in health care costs.”
The verification process, conducted by Secova Inc., assessed more than 1,800 university employees with dependents covered by any combination of GW’s medical/prescription, dental or vision plans.